RELCAP Granted Planning consent for Development of Swan PH, Cosham
RELCAP have achieved planning consent from Portsmouth City Council for the comprehensive redevelopment of the prominent corner site. Five New build apartments will be built on the upper floors, with conversion of the Ground floor from Public house to 4 x retail units at the bottom of the High Street. REL purchased from Punch Taverns, and Holloway Illife + Mitchell are marketing the Ground floor shops, there is already interest from retailers, some looking at taking the whole space, and some wanting part.
Andy Scott of RELCAP who has owned numerous sites locally including the Watermark at Port Solent and the Churchillian on Portsdown Hill said.
It is always sad to see a local pub close. However The pub has had a chequered history over recent years, with a license review due to violence, which resulted in the temporary closing. This coupled with strong local competition from JD Wetherspoon being two doors away, and The Red Lion at the top end of the high street. The third smaller site in the town centre would always struggle despite the best efforts of the recent landlord.